henriette . aka . luna


1 year ‘on the road’
365 days ‘on tour’
what ever you like better

* 4 month with Shane in a car thru Mexico
* 18.ooo km
* 1 repair
* 1 new tire

* 8 month with Fusae my motorcycle / 9 countries
* 30.000 km
* 1.200 lit (around 300 gal.) gas
* 40 lit (around 10 gal.) oil
* 4 cylinder heads
* 2 throttle cable
* 1 exhaust pipe
* 1 set of brake pads
* 2 chains
* & some more little extra parts
* no accident (knocking on wood)
* 4 times bike on ground
(sand, wind, soft underground
for parking and being stupid)
* & uncountable insect kill
If I have a look at the list myself
is looks I have been doing nothing else
then repair all the time,
but that’s not the truth.
Of course I spend a lot of time to
maintain my motorcycle and with this stupid
circumstances that Fusae had this manufactory mistake
(maybe shouldn’t have bought her at Friday 13th ?)
it was more time consuming than usual necessary.
But what’s normal?!
I met even in this situations a lot of nice people
which helped me more then I could ever ask for!!

It also opens the possibility to have a look
under the tourist sheet and experience, live,
feel, learn, see, accept, offer, open up
and inspire my horizon to wake up.
Even with all this technical delays
I feel so happy and satisfied on this trip
then I ever did before!
As it is meant to be I am right new in Costa Rica
and have the opportunity to give Fusae a total service
with specialists knowledge,
while we are waiting for parts.
More about the repairs you will read & see
at the following blog.
It would make me very happy if you don’t
forget me to soon and click here and there on this page
to follow my (for sure unusual) travels.
Now it is celebrating time - 1 YEAR on the road

My motto;
Live in the HERE and NOW
and enjoy it TO BE !